[Indianlc] Intro to LCI list

Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind at GYK5ENTV_eYtRJgTt4lhuBEWybhB3MwnbtAM0-iqyfeTDnB52v5nZIAYUO98aFHQ8QPlFYJ4nLrkOFpWMfI.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 17 08:12:05 UTC 2005

fred >Hi Swati, What about Free Software and GNU ;-) FN

swati> Hi Fred, Lets not start the politics of semantics here. And *man*, do
swati> not try to hijack this list!!

how sad! ..
Politics of semantics and politics of words are always raised &
discussed by feminist groups as a   powerfull tool to analyse the
patriarchal society, language, culture & in origin of words.

Here what happening is denying word & its history origin only because
it is said by a *man* . I am looking at LC as a womens movement in the
Tech front which need do a lot in forming a free society. how can it
deny the politics & history of the words "GNU" & Free software.

~ love respect & solidarity
Anivar Aravind
Knowledge is power... share it equitably!

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