[Courses] [Volunteers] Simple volunteer job: Converting old courses.

Julie Pichon julie.pichon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 07:03:35 UTC 2009


2009/8/4 Penny Leach <penny at mjollnir.org>:
> Have we completely given up on using Moodle for this?  Julie Pichon put a
> lot of work into migrating the old courses from mbox format to Moodle and
> we've been waiting for .. oh, at least a year, for Postgres to be upgraded
> on the server :(
> We had a new version of Moodle, with the SSO problems removed (we took away
> SSO from the main Linuxchix site after a long discussion about it), and all
> the courses ready to go.

Yep, most of them have been imported (including LaTeX!
http://courses.linuxchix.org/course/view.php?id=7 -- but we need the
Postgres upgrade before the SSO's removed and everyone has access...).
There's about 3 courses missing because they required a few manuals
steps and I let myself be distracted by life, but I'd be more than
happy to fix that over the week-end.

> If people want to go ahead and copy and paste them all over to the new
> Drupal then I'll happily bow out, but I think it's really a pity since it's
> a huge duplication of effort for something that could have been solved a
> year ago, but that was held up by a relatively small task.

Same, and I may even have a bit of time to help out, but I would
really love it if we gave Moodle another chance, especially for
courses to be.

All the best,


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