[Courses] [Postgresql] Hi, and welcome to the course

Michelle M michelle at murrain.net
Tue Nov 20 02:17:15 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Sorry this first post is late. It's been a hectic day (and, I know for 
some of you, it's Tuesday already.)

Today's content will be in two posts. This one, which is an introduction 
and logistics, and then the first actual post about PostgreSQL.

Course participation

You can participate in this course in many different ways, whatever 
suits your needs. Follow all of the course, or just parts. Just lurk, or 
dive in and ask questions. Contribute your own experience if you know 
stuff about PostgreSQL and databases.

The course will primarily happen on the list. Because of the login 
issues with Moodle at this time, I don't think it makes sense to try and 
focus too much effort on Moodle - so it will be happening in parallel. 
You might miss some comments or questions if you never log into Moodle, 
but you won't miss any content or assignments.

The moodle page is: http://courses.linuxchix.org

If you can't log into Moodle, it's NOT YOUR FAULT. There is a bug. One 
thing to try is to log out of the Linuxchix site, then go back to the 
Moodle page, and log in again. But apparently some people are never able 
to log in.

The archives of this course are on the basic courses list archive: 

There will be (usually weekly) IRC chats. Also, I hang out on the 
linuxchix irc server a fair bit (irc.linuxchix.org). Join channel #courses.

Course Pace

This is 14 weeks, and I'll try to post each lesson on Monday or Tuesday 
of each week. I've tried to make it manageable chunks. You won't become 
an expert PG administrator or database designer from this course, but I 
hope it will be a good solid beginning.

I will have concrete assignments each week. You can do as much of them 
or as little of them as you'd like, of course.

No question is dumb. Ask anything! And, if you know the answer, feel 
free to give it. Don't wait for me.

OK, Onward!

Michelle Murrain
michelle at murrain.net

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