[Courses] [Spineful Living, Lesson 4: Saying No!]

Valorie Zimmerman valoriez at zimres.net
Mon Apr 23 08:29:16 UTC 2007

On Sunday 22 April 2007 13:03, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Lesson 4: Saying No!


> I know this is often easier said than done. It takes practice and thought.
> What if you get roped into something, and then realize later that you are
> unhappy and really really want out? That's a bit harder, because breaking
> an obligation is something we are trained not to do. But that's a good
> option- they got along fine without you before, and will get along fine
> without you in the future. What would sticking it out to the bitter end
> gain? Hopefully a lasting lesson so you don't do it again. Other than that,
> what...? In my experience, nothing that really benefited me.


Closely related to this one, is an issue I've had trouble with in the past, 
and I'll bet some of you have, too. You've taken a great job, married a 
wonderful spouse, assumed a rewarding volunteer position. And then time 
passes, or your company is sold, your partner changes in a different 
direction than you are traveling, or the challenge is gone from the position. 
In short, you are burnt out.

I have difficulty recognizing that happening, and gracefully moving 
on. "Bitter end" brings back some bitter memories, which I'm gonna spend some 
time with, because I think learning when to say "enough, goodbye" is just as 
important as saying NO.

Too many of us didn't get a chance to learn to say NO as two year-olds, when 
we are supposed to learn that. So we never progress to I'M DONE. Better late 
to learn both, than never!

Thanks again for doing this course, Carla!


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