[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 3: 101 Satisfying Retorts For All Occassion]

carla at bratgrrl.com carla at bratgrrl.com
Sun Apr 15 15:51:33 UTC 2007

> Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> Le dimanche, 15. avril 2007, Doc Nielsen a écrit :
>>> On 4/15/07, Erinn Clark <erinn at debian.org> wrote:
>>>> Just yesterday my sysadmin and I were talking and he kept, well,
>>>> glancing at my boobs. So I finally said:
>>>> "If you don't stop looking at my chest, I am going to break your
>>>> neck."
>>> I have yet to find out why we men can't stop staring at cleavage,
>>> but i have often cought my self doing it, and then cursed at
>>> myself.
>> Concentrate to look at her eyes!
> Thanks for that one.
> I have to concur to the wonder though. I do not like big ones, yet they
> do draw attention, mine included... And i have no clue as to why.

This particular issue is one that I am impatient and unforgiving with. For
[deity of your choice's] sake WTF is so hard about maintaining eye
contact? When credible threats of physical harm are necessary to make an
impression, something is way wrong. Who cares why? I don't care why. I've
heard all the excuses. It's no secret that drooling over body parts,
especially in a professional environment, is an unprofessional,
disrespectful, hostile behavior. So don't do it. Easy peasey, simple as
can be.

I haven't worked in a corporate environment in years, so I'm probably
behind the times here. If you're not comfortable saying something like
what Erinn said, how do these sound:

"Get out of my office. I do not speak to people who stare at my breasts."

"Yes, I have breasts. Is it going to take a talk with human resources to
remind you that I also have eyes?"

Or butt, crotch, whatever the situation is. The idea is to confront it
directly and leave no doubt that you are dead serious and it must stop.

I think it's shameful that people even have to be told these things. But
that's the real world, and we have to deal with it. In fact, that could be
the official motto of this course- 'that's the real world, and we have to
deal with it.'

Carla, still happy with hotel wireless

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