[Courses] [Ruby] Lesson 0 homework
Rachel McConnell
rachel at xtreme.com
Wed Nov 9 21:53:35 EST 2005
> First, introduce yourself. Do you know any other programming
> languages? What do you like/not like about them? Why are you
> interested in Ruby? What are some things you'd like to learn to do?
Hello All, and thanks Laurel for organizing this!
I've been programming in Java for about 5 years now, mostly webapps,
meaning that I use html and javascript extensively as well. I used to
focus specifically on telephone apps, writing the UI in VoiceXML; but
testing your app by calling it up on the phone sucks really hard! I can
get around in C# & ASP, and PHP, and get into trouble in Perl. I have
to say I like them all except PHP, which makes it far too easy to write
bad code, and far too hard to write good code. Good for beginners, though.
> Second, find and run any ruby program. It can be something you wrote,
> something you downloaded (hint, look on RubyForge), an example you
> copied out of a book, something a friend wrote for you, etc.
> Finally, look at the code. Find a section of about 5-20 lines of
> code, and try to figure out what it does. If you figure it out (or
> just have a good guess), explain it to us. If not, show us the code
> and we'll try to explain it.
I've got a very simple example, "cat" implemented in Ruby. I more or
less wrote it - I found parts from here & there and put them together.
But I do understand what each line does, more or less, and it will run
if you put it in a file by itself. But remove the line numbers first,
which I've added for reference! Here goes:
1 #! /usr/bin/ruby
3 fileName = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0] : exit
5 begin
6 IO.foreach(fileName) { | line |
7 puts line
8 }
9 rescue
10 $stderr.puts $!
11 end
LINE 1: the shebang line (i assume it's still called that in Ruby!)
Lets you run it without typing "ruby" first:
$ ./cat.rb filename.txt
of course, you can still run it through ruby:
$ ruby cat.rb filename.txt
LINE 3: Get the name of the file from the arguments list and assign it
to the variable, fileName. (This is a SIMPLE cat function that only
looks at the first argument and ignores any others.) If no argument is
provided, just stop right there. I used the ternary operator, see
footnote [0] if you aren't familiar with it.
LINE 5: Starts a block of code. I'm almost certain that begin/end (see
line 11) are there as bookends to the rescue statement (line 9) to
explicitly delimit a block of code that is likely to throw an exception.
If the rescue wasn't needed, the begin/end wouldn't be either.
LINE 6: This is the heart of cat. IO is (I believe) a builtin Ruby
object that handles file input & output. Its foreach method takes a
file name as argument, opens the file, and iterates through the lines in
the file.
The bit with the pipe symbols after the open bracket is a mixin, and
it's the thing I'm least familiar with here.... I think it defines the
variable name for the object returned by the foreach method, for use
within the scope of the code block that comes after it. I think it is a
little like the for each syntax, in Java 5:
List<Line> linesInFile = getLines();
for( Line line : linesInFile ) {
// do stuff
but, obviously, shorter. I do know that "line" isn't a Ruby reserved
word here or anything, I tried "blarg" also and that worked just fine.
Anyone can talk more about this, please do!
LINE 7: puts is Ruby's print function.
LINE 8: ends the scope of the variable, line (or blarg)
LINE 9: rescue appears to be a Ruby catch statement. IO stuff is always
dangerous and error-prone and most languages offer some way of
recovering from IO errors (no file, weird characters, permissions
problems, and so forth).
LINE 10: what to do if there IS an error - print it out to standard
error (which may or may not be the same place a plain puts writes to).
LINE 11: remember the begin statement in line 5? we're done with that
block now.
That's all, then. I have to say that an in-depth analysis like that
helped ME a ton even for such a short little scrap of code. NEXT!
[0] The ternary operator is like a shortened IF/ELSE statement. It
looks like this:
As an IF statement, it would look like this:
if( TEST ) {
} else {
It's called "ternary" because it has three arguments; it's the only
operator that takes more than two.
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