[Courses] [Ruby] Lesson 0: Installing, References, and your first homework assignment

Chantal Rosmuller chantal at antenna.nl
Wed Nov 9 21:27:35 EST 2005

Hi I'm Chantal, I am a linux/freebsd/windows sysadmin at a small 
internet service provider. I am definitely not an experienced programmer 
but I like to write some bash scripts every now and then to make my life 
as a sysadmin easier and more fun, and I know some php. I'm interested 
in ruby because I want to learn a new programming language and a lot of 
people seem to be enthusiastic about it, I guess I am just curious. I 
want to learn a language in which I can write more sophisticated 
sysadmin tools in the future and I thought ruby might be a candidate (or 
perl but I can learn that some other time too). Well anyway, here's my 
homework, some code I wrote myself, I needed to configure an interface 
on an openbsd system for a whole ip range and it had to put something 
like this:

inet alias x.y.z.1
inet alias x.y.z.2


I didn't want to type all of that so I wrote ipspitter.rb:
It basically takes a number to start with and adds one a number of times 
and keeps printing that, together with a string for the first three 
parts of the ip address and some text if you want


puts "This is ipspitter"
puts "Which number do you want to start the range with?"

count = gets.to_i
sum = count

puts " How many ip addresses do you want?"

number = gets.to_i
number = number - 1
puts "Enter the first three parts of the ip-address (for example 
192.168.4. )"
range = gets.chomp

puts "Do you want to put some text in front of the ip-address? Put it here"
textbefore = gets.chomp

puts "Do you want to put some text after the ip-address? Put it here"
textafter = gets

puts textbefore + range + count.to_s + textafter

number.times do
       count +=1
       sum += count
       puts textbefore + range + count.to_s + textafter

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