[Courses] RE: Python Course

Maureen L. Thomas elgato513 at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jul 21 03:48:13 EST 2002

    No problem with the delay.  My computer still had windows on and my 
son used it and contracted a virsus.  Couldn't get into anything even my 
mandrake.  So I wiped it all out and just put mandrake in, no more 
windows.  That feels good, but I have to remake a lot of the files I 
had.  Have most of it done but not all of it.  I did get python back in 
and ready when ever you are.  I also am familar with chronic illness.  I 
have Fibro and working 12 hour shifts (on two off two, midnights.) 
doesn't help me get my computer up and running the way I would like. 
 Feel better soon.  I will be here whenever you are ready.  Moe

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