Who runs the C course? (Re: [Courses] [C] Next C topic: Your Choice)

Mary mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Fri Jul 19 20:27:51 EST 2002

On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 11:52:07AM +0530, Anand R wrote:
> I was totally confused about this list, right from the beginning. Then
> Sue (our Python guru) clarified a lot of things for me. But now,
> things are getting to be confusing again. I see a whole bunch of guys
> out here:
> Mary Sophie Jenn Suzi
> Could somebody please tell me who is controlling the list, and its
> content.  Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was given to
> understand that Mary was in charge. Please do not misunderstand, but
> somehow I have not been able to get a hang of what is happening, how
> things are done and all that... Sorry guys, but I am a real DUMMY in
> C. 

OK, like most technical mailing lists, people are free to ask a question
or start a thread at any point.

I've been proposing the topics for the course and writing the summaries
and am (self nominated) more or less running the general direction, but
past that it's a pretty informal course.


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