[Courses] [Courses][Python]Re: Welcome

Kathy Gerber kath at skatha.net
Thu Jul 4 15:49:01 EST 2002

Hello all,

My apologies for my lateness here; I'll try to keep up in the future.  My name 
is Kathy Gerber.  I work at University of Virginia in Research Computing - 
see the Linux talk at http://www.itc.virginia.edu/research/talks/home.html .

My first computer was an amiga with no hard drive, and my first linux was 
Slackware on 5 1/4 in. floppies.  I've not done that much programming - a bit 
of everything, and the language I probably know best is - SAS.

I have the Lutz and Ascher book, no great insights on the name, but do look 
forward to getting the meaning of "pythonic".  

Kathy Gerber

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