[Courses] Fwd: [Volunteers] Courses web page

Michelle Murrain tech at murrain.net
Wed Feb 20 15:45:34 EST 2002

Any volunteers to take on the task of putting together a web page for this 
course? I wish I could - but I don't have the time, sadly. If you are 
interested, join the volunteers list, and make yourself known. Thanks!!

>I'm adding a web page for all the courses (rather, I'm putting content
>in the current web page for all the courses).  Currently, only the
>kernel hacking course has a "web presence," thanks to Sonja.  I'll
>create a web page for the C course if no one else is interested, but
>I'd rather let one of the C course people do it.  Reply on-list if
>you're interested in writing a web page about the C course.
>Also, if there are any other courses (or someone wants to start a new
>course), let us know!
>Volunteers mailing list
>Volunteers at linuxchix.org


Michelle Murrain
tech at murrain.net
AIM/Yahoo Messenger:pearlbear0
http://www.murrain.net/ for pgp public key

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