[Announce] Meet the Ada Initiative: supporters party, San Francisco, Mon July 16

Mary Gardiner mary at adainitiative.org
Tue Jul 10 01:37:11 UTC 2012

We invite you to join us in downtown San Francisco for an informal meetup!
Ada Initiative co-founders Mary
Gardiner<http://adainitiative.org/about-us/#mary>and Valerie
Aurora <http://adainitiative.org/about-us/#valerie> will be there, along
with many of our board members and advisors. Mary is visiting San Francisco
on her way back from keynoting the Wikimania conference, and wants to meet
as many Bay area Ada Initiative supporters as she can.

Date: Monday July 16
Time: 7:30pm to 9:00pm

This is a self-hosted gathering at Jillian's, a restaurant and bar in the

Jillian's <http://www.jillianssf.com/>
101 4th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

Please register so we know how many people to

We thank anyone who takes this opportunity to donate, but this gathering is
open to everyone who supports women in open technology and culture in any

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