[Announce] Women and open source in France - RMLL 2007, july 13

Aurelie zopeuse at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 14:45:14 UTC 2007


The *8th Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre* (also known as Libre
Software Meeting) will be held on July 10th-14th 2007 in Amiens (France)

On July 13, LinuxChixFrance [4] will do two talks (in french) :
1. Women in the FLOSS community
The presence of Women in the FLOSS community is very low. We will
outline the reasons why there are so few women in the production
process of free software and what the consequences are for the FLOSS
community. What can be done to encourage women to enter and remain in the
FLOSS community ?

2. Acting to encourage the presence of women in the FLOSS community
The goal of this talk is to define what needs to be done and how
to do it best, to encourage women to participate more in the FLOSS
community. We will describe the existing actions. Grep|Grrl [2] and "Les
academies du samedi" [3] will present their actions. This talk is an
opportunity to discuss common experiences and your ideas.

There are also « off » sessions, in the evenings and in the afternoons,
LinuxChixFrance will help Grep|Grrl [2] and do talks (nagios, latex, latex
and beamer, gnu/linux, command line interface... ).

[1] http://www.rmll.info/rubrique3.html?lang=en
[2] http://grepgrrl.org (en)
[3] http://samedi.collectifs.net/ (fr_be)
[4] http://linuxchixfrance.org/ (fr)

Aurelie Chaumat

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