[Announce] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, August 23]

LinuxChix Coordinator jenn at linuxchix.org
Tue Aug 24 08:50:24 EST 2004

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: jenn at linuxchix.org
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, August 23
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 12:19:27 -0700

O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
August 23, 2004
-Free Expo Hall Passes available for PhotoShopWorld in 
Orlando, FL--September 2
-Put Up an O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
Book Info
***Review books are available 
Copies of our books are available for your members to review--
send me an email and please include the book's ISBN number on 
your request. Let me know if you need your book by a certain date. 
Allow at least four weeks for shipping. 

***Please send copies of your book reviews
Email me a copy of your newsletters or book reviews.
For tips and suggestions on writing book reviews, go to:

***Discount information
Don't forget to remind your members about our 20% discount on O'Reilly, 
No Starch, Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, and Syngress books and O'Reilly
Just use code DSUG.

***Group purchases with better discounts are available
Please let me know if you are interested and I can put you in 
touch with our sales department.

General News
***Free Expo Hall Passes available for PhotoShopWorld in 
Orlando, FL--September 2
Let me know how many you need and I can send some.

***Put Up an O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banner, Get a Free Book
We are looking for user groups to display our conference banner on
their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
our O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference banner, I will send you the O'Reilly
book of your choice.

O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Banners:

O'Reilly News for User Group Members
August 23, 2004
Book News
-Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing
-PDF Hacks
-iMovie 4 & iDVD: The Missing Manual, 4th Edition
-The Linux Cookbook, 2nd Edition
-CSS Cookbook
-The Official Blender 2.3 Guide
-Mono: A Developer's Notebook
-Managing Security with Snort & IDS Tools
Upcoming Events
-Peter Morville ("Information Architecture for the World Wide Web"),
Information Architecture & Findability, Boston, MA--September 17
-O'Reilly at the Macintosh Computer Expo, Santa Rosa, CA--September 18
-David Pogue (Missing Manual series), Digital Lifestyle Expo, 
New York, NY--September 25-26
Conference News
-Registration Is Open for O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference, 
Santa Clara, CA--October 25-28, 2004
-Securing Key Chain Flash Drives
-Technology and Tools of Change
-Syngress Authors Scheduled to Appear on "60 Minutes" in September
-Oracle Magazine's Editors' Choice Awards
-Alleviate RSI the Hacker Way
-A Day in the Life of #Apache
-PHP Debugging Basics
-What's on Your Macdar?
-The Inside Scoop on the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
-Further Your CS Development with Mac OS X
-Performing Web Queries in Excel 2003
-Personalization in ASP.NET
-Windows Server Hacks: Using Preconfigured User Profiles
-Develop Your Own Plugins for Eclipse, Part 1
-An Introduction to IKVM

Book News
Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch, 
Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, or Syngress book you purchase directly
from O'Reilly.
Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at 
least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer 
applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
For more details, go to:

New Releases
***Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596005814
Licensing is a major part of what open source and free software are all
about, and it's one of the most complicated areas of law. This concise
guide focuses on annotated licenses, offering an in-depth explanation of
your licensing options, how they compare and interoperate, and how license
choices affect project possibilities. If you're an open source/free
software developer, this book is an absolute necessity, bridging the gap
between the open source vision and the practical implications of its legal

Chapter 2, "The MIT, BSD, Apache, and Academic Free Licenses," is
available online:

***PDF Hacks
IISBN: 0596006551
"PDF Hacks" is ideal for anyone who works with PDF on a regular basis. The
hacks presented here cover the full range of PDF functionality, from
generating and manipulating to annotating and consuming PDF information.
Far more than another guide to Adobe Acrobat, the book covers a variety of
readily available tools for generating, deploying, and editing PDF. You'll
be creating documents that are far more powerful than simple
representations of paper pages. 

Ten sample hacks are available online:

***iMovie 4 & iDVD: The Missing Manual, 4th Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006934
Many annoyances have been eliminated and polished touches added to the new
incarnations of iMovie and iDVD. This witty and entertaining guide from
celebrated author David Pogue has been updated to reflect all of the
changes, in detail and with scrupulous objectivity. The book covers every
step of iMovie video production, from choosing and using a digital
camcorder to burning the finished work onto DVDs. The book also provides a
firm grounding in basic film technique. Make your movies look like
Hollywood hits with "iMovie 4 & iDVD: The Missing Manual, 4th Edition."

***The Linux Cookbook, 2nd Edition
Publisher: No Starch Press
ISBN: 1593270313
"The Linux Cookbook, 2nd Edition" is your guide to getting the most out of
Linux. Organized by general task (such as working with text, managing
files, and manipulating graphics), each section contains a series of
step-by-step recipes that help you get your work done quickly and
efficiently, most often from the command line. Perfect as an introduction
to Linux and the command line, or as a desktop reference for the seasoned
user. Covers the major Linux distributions.

***CSS Cookbook
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596005768
"CSS Cookbook" offers hundreds of examples and CSS code recipes you can
use immediately to format your web pages. An explanation accompanies each
recipe, enabling you to customize the formatting for your specific
purposes, and showing why the solution works so the techniques can be
adapted to other situations. Reflecting CSS2 and including topics that
range from basic web typography and page layout to techniques for
formatting lists, forms, and tables, "CSS Cookbook" is a must-have
resource for any web author considering CSS.

Chapter 2, "Page Elements," is available online:

***The Official Blender 2.3 Guide 
Publisher: No Starch Press
ISBN: 1593270410
Blender is a powerful, open source, cross-platform, free 3D graphics
creation suite. Written by the developers who created and currently
maintain Blender, "The Official Blender 2.3 Guide" covers methods of
designing models, defining materials, and simulating light; rendering 3D
scenes; creating 3D animations; as well as advanced topics such as using
Blender as a video editor. Includes a 4-color insert and CD-ROM.

***Mono: A Developer's Notebook
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007922
This no-fluff, lab-style guide jumps right into Mono 1.0 as  you work
through nearly 50 mini-projects that introduce you to the most important
and compelling aspects of the 1.0 release. You'll learn how to acquire,
install, and run  Mono on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X. You'll work with
the various Mono  components: Gtk#; the CLR; the class libraries (.NET and
 Mono); and much more. This book lets you roll up your sleeves and see
what Mono can do.

Chapter 3, "Core .NET," is available online:

Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007078
SpamAssassin is the leading open source spam-fighting tool. The drawback?
Until now, it was SpamAssassin's lack of published documentation. This
clear, concise new guide shows system administrators how to integrate this
tool effectively into their networks. The book clarifies installation,
configuration, and use of SpamAssassin versions 2.63 and 3.0 for Unix
sysadmins using Postfix, sendmail, Exim, or qmail mail servers.
SpamAssassin, together with this essential book, provides the tools you
need to take back your organization's inboxes.

Chapter 2, "SpamAssassin Basics," is available free online:

***Managing Security with Snort & IDS Tools
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006616
This practical guide to managing network security covers reliable methods
for detecting network intruders, from using simple packet sniffers to more
sophisticated IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) applications and the GUI
interfaces for managing them. The book provides step-by-step instructions
on getting up and running with Snort 2.1, and it covers how to shut down
and secure workstations, servers, firewalls, routers, sensors, and other
network devices. This is your comprehensive resource for monitoring
illegal entry attempts.

Chapter 6, "Deploying Snort," is available free online:

Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:

***Peter Morville ("Information Architecture for the World Wide Web"),
Information Architecture & Findability, Boston, MA--September 17
Peter leads a new full-day seminar on information architecture from top to
bottom, explaining how search and navigation systems can be designed to
support and shape user behavior.

***Come Join O'Reilly at the Macintosh Computer Expo, 
Santa Rosa, CA--September 18
MCE is the North Coast Mac Users Group annual fundraising event. Speakers
include O'Reilly authors Tom Negrino and Dori Smith ("Mac OS X Unwired"),
Jason Snell (Macworld Magazine), Mike Descher (Adobe), author Jim Heid
(Peachpit Press and Avondale Media), and Ronnie Roche (Apple Certified
Help Desk Specialist). O'Reilly will be selling books onsite as one of the

MCE Flier:

MCE Poster:

Mac Computer Expo
Saturday, September 18
9:30am to 3:30pm
Student Lounge/Cafeteria
Santa Rosa Junior College
1501 Mendocino Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Admission is free to event, but parking fee is $3.00.

***David Pogue (Missing Manual series), Digital Lifestyle Expo, 
New York, NY--September 25-26
Author and Mac guru David Pogue is a keynote speaker at this event at the
Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, NY.

Conference News
***Registration Is Open for O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference
Join us for the third annual Mac OS X Conference, October 25-28, 2004, in
Santa Clara, California. You'll hear from Stewart Copeland, the former
drummer for The Police who now creates award-winning film and television
scores using Mac OS X technology; "New York Times" columnist David Pogue;
Andy Ihnatko of the "Chicago Sun-Times"; Karelia Sofware's Dan Wood; Brent
Simmons of Ranchero Software; Michael Bartosh of 4AM Media; Mac authors
Dori Smith, Gordon Meyer, and Ted Landau; and many more. 

User Group members who register before September 10, 2004 get a double
discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and receive 20% off the
"Early Bird" price.

To register, go to:

O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
October 25-28, 2004
Westin Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***Securing Key Chain Flash Drives 
The current crop of key chain Flash drives have incredible storage
capacity. They are perfect for keeping personal data with you at all
times. But what if you lose your keys? Here are a couple of easy ways to
protect yourself, and your data.

***Technology and Tools of Change
Building the next generation of technology won't be easy, and will require
developers, entrepreneurs, and the customers they serve to learn new
skills. O'Reilly has a collection of tools for building the future,
including a new book series, a new conference, and a new print-on-demand,
custom books service.

***Syngress Authors Scheduled to Appear on "60 Minutes" in September
Dr. Herbert Thompson and Spyros Nomikos, authors of "The Mezonic Agenda:
Hacking the Presidency" (due out in October), will appear on the show on
either September 22 or September 26. Make sure you tune in. For more
information on this upcoming book go to:

***Oracle Magazine's Editors' Choice Awards
O'Reilly authors Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt have been named by Oracle
Magazine's editors as Authors of the Year in recognition of their work on
the "definitive tuning text," Optimizing Oracle Performance.

Open Source
***Alleviate RSI the Hacker Way 
Chances are, if you use a keyboard for several hours a day you'll
eventually experience repetitive strain injury. Thankfully, it's possible
to avoid or alleviate the symptoms with exercises, breaks, posture, and
software. Software? Jono Bacon explores free software to help save your
tender wrists.

***A Day in the Life of #Apache 
Rich Bowen is back this month after a brief summer hiatus with his latest
column based on his conversations on the IRC channel #apache. Want to know
how to make your web site faster? Rich has some tips to enhance your
server's performance. Rich is a coauthor of O'Reilly's "Apache Cookbook."

***PHP Debugging Basics 
Whether you're a PHP newbie or a wizard, your programs are going to have
bugs in them. Nobody's perfect. David Sklar, author of "Learning PHP 5,"
provides some basic techniques for finding and fixing the problems in your
programs. In particular, he covers how to set up error reporting as you
like it, how to find parse errors, and how to inspect program data.

***What's on Your Macdar?
O'Reilly Editor Chuck Toporek asks in his latest weblog "What would you
like to see us publish a book on? Is there something we might have missed
in one of the Panther editions that you'd like to see us work into an

***The Inside Scoop on the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference 
Sometimes, looking at a conference program grid is like looking at
Edinburgh Castle. It's impressive, but you really don't know where all the
bodies are buried unless you have a tour guide.

***Further Your CS Development with Mac OS X 
As the new school year approaches, Julie Starr has some ideas about what
type of computer CS students should be considering. We'll give you a hint:
It isn't a Windows box.

***Performing Web Queries in Excel 2003 
"Excel 2003 Programming: A Developer's Notebook" shows programmers how to
best use Excel 2003's new features, through a series of hands-on projects.
In this sample lab from the book, learn how to perform a web query to
import data from a web page into a worksheet using Excel's QueryTable

***Personalization in ASP.NET 
Personalizing your web site can enhance the experiences of users visiting
your site. Personalization allows information about visitors to be
persisted so that the information can be useful to the visitor when he
visits your site again. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how it all works in 
ASP.NET 2.0.

***Windows Server Hacks: Using Preconfigured User Profiles 
Roaming profiles make life easier for both users and system
administrators. Mitch Tulloch, author of "Windows Server Hacks," shows you
how to preconfigure roaming profiles to make them even more effective.

**Develop Your Own Plugins for Eclipse, Part 1 
Part of the appeal of the Eclipse platform is its extensibility--in
Eclipse, almost everything is a plugin, and it's easy to get plugins from
third parties or write your own. Jerome Moliere shows how to get started
with deploying Eclipse plugins.

***An Introduction to IKVM 
Java and .NET are two different worlds, but they can live within one
process with IKVM. This "JVM for .NET" allows .NET (or Mono) to leverage
Java code, and vice versa. Avik Sengupta provides an introduction to this
important new environment.

Don't forget to check out the O'Reilly UG wiki to see what user groups
across the globe are up to:

Until next time--

LinuxChix Coordinator <jenn at linuxchix.org>

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