[Announce][Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 26]

LinuxChix Coordinator jenn at linuxchix.org
Wed Nov 27 22:27:56 EST 2002

One of my articles made the newsletter! See the 'Open Source' section.

The C pocket reference may be useful to those of you doing the C course.
It's not a teaching book, it's a book for looking up stuff like 'which
order are the arguments for strcopy again?'.

O'Reilly shirts and stuff are available at Thinkgeek.

Jenn V.

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: jenn at linuxchix.org
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 26
Date: 26 Nov 2002 18:56:00 -0800

O'Reilly User Group Program
November 26, 2002

Spread The Word To Your Members...

Highlights This Week:
Book News
-C Pocket Reference
-Designing Embedded Hardware
-Digital Photography Pocket Guide
-Programming Jakarta Struts
Upcoming Events
-Mick Bauer, "Building Secure Servers with Linux," 
Burlington, MA--December 4
-Matthew Gast, "802.11 Wireless Networks," 
Santa Clara, CA--December 4
-Visit O'Reilly Dec 8-13 at the XML Conference & Exposition 2002
in Baltimore, MD
Conference News
-O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference Online 
Registration Is Open
-O'Reilly Gear Available at ThinkGeek--Finally!
-Put up a ThinkGeek Banner, Get A Free Book
-Try This at Home
-Are Rich Clients Taking Off or Tanking?
-CVS Third-Party Tools
-Copying, Cloning, and Marshalling in .NET
-XML Versus the Infoset
-A Webmaster's Guide to Troubleshooting P3P
-Implementing Templates with Struts
-Configuring Tomcat and Apache With JK 1.2
-Controlling iTunes with Perl
-Connecting Mac OS X to Windows PCs
-Installing Oracle 9i on Mac OS X

Book News
Review books are available--please email me for a copy.
Let me know if you need your books by a certain date.
Please allow at least four weeks for shipping. 
Send or email me copies of your newsletters and book reviews.

Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.

***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
Please let me know if you are interested.

Press releases are available on our press page:

***C Pocket Reference
Ideal as an introduction for beginners and a quick reference for
advanced programmers, this pocket reference consists of two parts: a
compact description of the C language, and a thematically structured
reference to the standard library.

A sample excerpt, "Statements," is available online:

***Designing Embedded Hardware 
"Designing Embedded Hardware" is the most in-depth, practical, and
up-to-date guide to building your own embedded computer systems.
Whether you're working on cell phones, cars, handheld organizers, or
refrigerators, this book provides software and hardware engineers with
the necessary conceptual and design building blocks to understand the
architectures of embedded systems. Steering between the practical and
the philosophical, the book enables you to both create your own devices
and gadgets and customize and extend off-the-shelf systems.

Chapter 6, "The AVR Microcontroller," is available online:

***Digital Photography Pocket Guide
This book gives you the tools and the knowledge to take the kind of
pictures you've always wanted. Consider it your quick-reference photo
mentor that explains each of the camera's components, shows you what
they do, then helps you choose the right settings to accomplish your
goal. When you want to ask an expert, "How can I get that picture?"
simply pull this handy guide out of your camera bag or back pocket, and
you'll find the answer quickly.

The table of contents are available online:

***Programming Jakarta Struts 
As popular as the Struts framework for building web applications with
Servlets and JSPs is becoming, the online documentation is inadequate.
This book takes a real-world, "this is how to do it" approach to
developing complex enterprise applications using Struts. The focus on
the 1.1 version of the framework makes this the most up-to-date book
available on the subject, covering topics such as installation and
configuration, JSP and Jakarta Tag Libraries, and internationalization
and localization code.  

Chapter 14, "Using Tiles," is available online:

Upcoming Events
***Mick Bauer, Burlington, MA--December 4
Mick Bauer, author of the just-released "Building Secure Servers with
Linux," presents "Internet Server Security With Linux: Risks, Defenses,
and Practices (or, How to Connect Your Linux Box to the 'Net Without
Worrying Yourself to Death)" at Softpro Computer Books.

Wednesday, December 4 -- 6:00 pm
112 Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803-5300
The Burlington store is wheelchair accessible.
Phone: (781) 273-2919

***Matthew Gast, Santa Clara, CA--December 4
Author Matthew Gast ("802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide,"
"Network Printing," and "T1: A Survival Guide") is a "Homeland Security
vs. Wi-Fi" panelist at the 802.11 Planet Conference.

For more conference information:

***Be sure to visit O'Reilly Dec 8-13 at the XML Conference &
Exposition 2002 in Baltimore, MD 
Booth #333 
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD

For more conference information:

For more events, please see:

Conference News
***Online registration is now open for the O'Reilly Bioinformatics 
Technology Conference
This conference takes place at the Westin Horton Plaza in San Diego on
February 3-6, 2003.  

Early Bird Discount--
User Group members who register before December 16th, 2002 get a double
discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the
"Early Bird" price.

To register, go to:

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***Official O'Reilly Gear at ThinkGeek
For years, our customers have asked us to make and sell various items
with our animals on them. We are pleased and proud to present our first
collection of official O'Reilly animal swag. 

(Sorry, no User Group discounts available at ThinkGeek)

***Put Up An O'Reilly ThinkGeek Banner, Get A Free Book
We are looking for user groups to display our ThinkGeek banners on
their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
our O'Reilly ThinkGeek banner, I will send you the O'Reilly book of
your choice.

O'Reilly ThinkGeek Banners:

***Try This at Home
"InfoWorld" talks with O'Reilly's chief operating officer, CJ Rayhill,
about the technologies that drive O'Reilly and the challenges of
managing them.

***Are Rich Clients Taking Off or Tanking?
O'Reilly's editors discuss the apparent fragmentation of the web-client
space, "rich Internet applications" like DHTML and Flash, and the
consumer versus the developer market, in a new feature called "From the
Editors List." 

Open Source
***CVS Third-Party Tools
CVS is an essential part of many developer toolboxes, but it has its
limitations. Jennifer Vesperman has put together a list of add-ons and
interfaces to the popular source control system.

***Managing Bulk DNS Zones with Perl
Automate the creation of DNS zone files.

***Cooking with MySQL
Find out how to interpret results from summaries and NULL values, and
how to identify duplicates in a table or record, in this excerpt.

MySQL Cookbook
Order Number: 1452

***Copying, Cloning, and Marshalling in .NET
Even after spending the last few years with the C# language, Shawn Van
Ness recently found it worthwhile to step back and analyze what happens
in some very simple scenarios, such as copying a value from one
variable to another, or passing those variables as arguments to a
method call. And that is the focus of this article.

***Announcing .NET Framework 1.1
The next release of Visual Studio .NET is finally available for final
public beta testing. Code named Everett, Visual Studio .NET 2003 comes
with a new version of the .NET Framework. This article will explain
what's in this new release.

***XML Versus the Infoset
In his latest Endpoints column Rich Salz opines about the differences
between XML specifications based on XML and those based on the XML

***A Webmaster's Guide to Troubleshooting P3P
Read about troubleshooting strategies and common mistakes people make
when enabling their web sites with P3P in this article by Lorrie
Cranor, author of "Web Privacy with P3P."

Web Privacy with P3P
Order Number: 3714

***Implementing Templates with Struts
Creating a portal site gets much easier with templates. This article
shows you how to implement a portal site with Struts Templates.

***Configuring Tomcat and Apache With JK 1.2
The JK modules are a conduit between Apache and Tomcat. This series of
articles covers using mod_jk with Apache and Tomcat.

***Controlling iTunes with Perl
Use Mac::iTunes to create multiple interfaces.

***Connecting Mac OS X to Windows PCs
A hands-on look at how you can share files between your Mac and your
Windows machines, then explore how Windows applications can be run on
your Mac. 

***Installing Oracle 9i on Mac OS X
The inside scoop for DBAs looking to go big time.

Part 1

Part 2

Until next time,

    "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
        	you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.
 My book 'Essential CVS' will be published by O'Reilly in 2003.
jenn at anthill.echidna.id.au     http://anthill.echidna.id.au/~jenn/

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