[Announce][Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 15]

LinuxChix Coordinator jenn at linuxchix.org
Sun Nov 17 11:01:30 EST 2002

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: jenn at linuxchix.org
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 15
Date: 15 Nov 2002 17:44:56 -0800

O'Reilly User Group Program
November 15, 2002

Spread The Word To Your Members...

Highlights This Week:
Book News
-PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
-Computer Science & Perl Programming
-Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual
Upcoming Events
-Derrick Story, "iPhoto: The Missing Manual," 
Northern California--November 19 
-AEleen Frisch, "Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition,"
Burlington, MA--November 20
-Lorrie Cranor, "Web Privacy with P3P," Washington, DC--November 21

Conference News
-Call for Participation--O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
-O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference Online 
Registration Is Open
-Put Up A Conference Banner, Get A Free Book
-Which XP Book to Buy?
-Running Zebra on a Unix Machine
-Trip Mapping with PHP
-Top Five Open Source Packages for System Administrators
-Implementing Drag and Drop in Windows Forms
-Rotor 1.0 Released with Mac OS X Support
-Substituting and Converting Object Types in a Hierarchy
-O'Reilly HTML Guide Is Accessible and Comprehensive
-Java Essentials: What Is Wireless Java?
-Java Recipe of the Day
-Installing Oracle 9i on Mac OS X, Part 1
-Incorporating Rendezvous into Your Cocoa Applications, Part 1

Book News
Review books are available--please email me for a copy.
Let me know if you need your books by a certain date.
Please allow at least four weeks for shipping. 
Send or email me copies of your newsletters and book reviews.

Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.

Press releases are available on our press page:

***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
Please let me know if you are interested.

***PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Order Number: 4028
Simple, to the point, and compact, the second edition of "PHP Pocket
Reference" has been thoroughly updated to include the specifics of PHP
4, the language's latest version. It is both a handy introduction to
PHP syntax and structure, and a quick reference to the vast array of
functions provided by PHP. The quick reference section organizes all
the core functions of PHP alphabetically so you can find what you need

The table of contents are available online:

***Computer Science & Perl Programming
Order Number: 3102
This is the first of three volumes from the archives of "The Perl
Journal" that O'Reilly has exclusive rights to distribute. The book is
a compilation of the best from TPJ: 71 articles providing a
comprehensive tour of how experts implement computer science concepts
in the real world, with code walk-throughs, case studies, and
explanations of difficult techniques that can't be found in any other
book.  http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/tpj1/

Chapter 20, "Memoization," is available online:

***Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual
Order Number: 3498
"Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual" will help you harness the power of
this popular web editing software. This extraordinary guidebook is full
of unique, live examples that let you see and test real web pages.
There's also a step-by-step tutorial for creating an interactive web
database using Microsoft's ASP programming language, which is new to
Dreamweaver MX. Armed with this book, first-time and experienced web
designers will have little difficulty using Dreamweaver to create
stunning, interactive web sites.

Upcoming Events
***Derrick Story, Northern California--November 19
Author Derrick Story ("iPhoto: The Missing Manual" and "Digital
Photography Pocket Guide") will be presenting at the following

November 19, 7:00pm
North Coast Mac Users Group
Rohnert Park Senior Center 
6800 Hunter Drive, Suite A 
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

***AEleen Frisch, Burlington, MA--November 20
Author AEleen Frisch ("Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition,"
"Essential Windows NT System Administration," and "Windows 2000
Commands Pocket Reference") discusses ten of the most useful open
source utilities and packages of interest to all Unix system
administrators at Softpro Books in Massachusetts

Wednesday, November 20--6:30 pm
112 Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803-5300
The Burlington store is wheelchair accessible.
Phone: (781) 273-2919

Open Invitation to SIGS and User Groups from Softpro:
Softpro is happy to host your group. We have space to accomodate up to
30 people in Burlington, MA and up to 12 in Marlborough, MA. Reserve
a time by writing to events at softpro.com.

***Lorrie Cranor, Washington, DC--November 21
Author Lorrie Cranor ("Web Privacy with P3P") is a featured speaker at
the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society, in association with
9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
Washington, DC, USA-November 21, 2002 For more information go to:

For more events, please see:

Conference News
***Call for Participation--O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
O'Reilly & Associates invites technologists, CTOs, CIOs, programmers,
business developers, strategists, and policy makers to lead tutorial
and conference sessions at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference.
The submission deadline for all proposals is December 13, 2002.

***Online registration is now open for the 
O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference 
This conference takes place at the Westin Horton Plaza in San Diego on
February 3-6, 2003.  

Early Bird Discount--
User Group members who register before December 16th, 2002 get a double
discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the
"Early Bird" price.

To register, go to:

***Put Up A Conference Banner, Get A Free Book***
We are looking for user groups to display our conference banners on
their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with
our O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference banner, I will send
you the O'Reilly book of your choice.

Conference Banners:

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***Which XP Book to Buy?
Author David Karp has written a brief, informative outline for his
latest release as well as an explanation of the differences between
"Windows XP in a Nutshell" and "Windows XP Annoyances."

Windows XP Annoyances
Order Number: 4168

Windows XP in a Nutshell
Order Number: 2491

Open Source
***Running Zebra on a Unix Machine
Iljitsch van Beijnum looks at whether Zebra, the host-based routing
software, can be used as an alternative to a real router.

Iljitsch is the author of "BGP"
Order Number: 2548

***Trip Mapping with PHP
Do PHP and cartography go together? David Sklar demonstrates how to
plot your trips with PHP and census data.

David is a coauthor of the upcoming "PHP Cookbook."
Order Number: 6811

***Top Five Open Source Packages for System Administrators
The countdown continues this week with number three--GRUB. This is the
third installment in a five-part series on the most useful and widely
applicable open source administrative tools, by leen Frisch, author of
"Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition."

Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition.
Order Number: 3439

***Implementing Drag and Drop in Windows Forms
One of the benefits of using a windowing system is the ability to drag
and drop objects from one window to another. In this article I will
discuss how you can use Windows Forms to develop applications that
supports drag and drop operations.

***Rotor 1.0 Released with Mac OS X Support
This new release contains bug fixes and new documentation, samples, and
test suites.

For related reading, see "Shared Source CLI Essentials" 
Order Number: 351x (Available in March 2003)

and "Mac OS X for Unix Geeks."
Order Number: 3560

***Substituting and Converting Object Types in a Hierarchy
Steven Feuerstein examines substitutability and type conversion as he
explores the advantages and flexibility of object-type hierarchies in
Oracle 9i.

Steven is a coauthor of "Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 3rd Edition."
Order Number: 3811

***O'Reilly HTML Guide Is Accessible and Comprehensive
In this Builder.com book review, Tony Patton says, "Buy this book if
you want to know HTML." He's talking about O'Reilly's "HTML & XHTML:
The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition."

HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition
Order Number: 382X

***Java Essentials: What Is Wireless Java?
The Java Essentials series provides high-level overviews of core Java
technologies. This article covers the APIs, tools, and vendors for
wireless Java.

For more on information on wireless java check out:
Learning Wireless Java
Order Number: 2432

***Java Recipe of the Day

Java Cookbook
Order Number: 1703

***Installing Oracle 9i on Mac OS X, Part 1
The Oracle 9i Developer Release for Mac OS X opens up a new world of
corporate database management for both Apple and Oracle. David Simpson
begins this series with a look at the issues for DBAs who are
considering making the move to Oracle on OS X.

***Incorporating Rendezvous into Your Cocoa Applications, Part 1
ZeroConf networking provides solutions to addressing, naming, and
service discovery that conspire to make IP networking as easy to use as
AppleTalk. In part 1 in this series, Mike Beam explains how Rendezvous
works and shows you its hooks into Cocoa.

Until next time,

    "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
        	you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

jenn at anthill.echidna.id.au     http://anthill.echidna.id.au/~jenn/

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