[Actionchix] *Re-vote Title - your choices below - Closes Friday Sept. 21st

Selbak, Rolla N rolla.n.selbak at intel.com
Mon Sep 17 17:58:09 UTC 2007

Hey all,

Below, I have tried to capture _all_ the suggestions for the mag title
and motto that you've submitted and discussed so far.  Here's what we'll

***Please vote on your top 3 choices for title, and top 3 choices for

These choices don't have to be unique if you really like a certain title
or motto (e.g. if you really liked choice #15 for title, you could have
all 3 of your votes be #15, and so on).

There is also a choice entitled "[Need to poll ActionChix for more
suggestions on title]".  If you feel we really need to have more
suggestions and you're not pleased with the selection, then choose this
option.  Again, you can choose this option for all 3 of your allotted
votes, or just 1 or 2 of your votes if you like.

The virtual voting boot will close Friday Sept. 21st, so get your votes
in before then!


1.  ADA
2.  Alternative Computing: Linux
3.  Alternative Computing With Linux
4.  Anita
5.  Antix
6.  ChixBits
7.  Free and Clear
8.  Free Sugar/Free Shugar
9.  Import this, free food for thought
10. Lazygurl
11. Life in the Free Zone
12. Linux Chronicles
13. Linux Opened
14. Linux Periodical
15. Linux Monthly
16. Linux Quarterly
17. Linux Tech
18. Linux Times
19. Linux User
20. LinuxChix Magazine
21. LNIXSphere
23. *nux mag
24. OpenChix
25. O!pen: the Shared Technology Journal
26. O!pen: the Shared Technology Gazette 
27. O!pen: the Shared Technology Circular
28. Open Source Decoded
29. Open Source Gazette
30. Open Source Magazine
31. Open Source Opened
32. Open Source Pages
33. Open Source Times
34. Our Commons (Our Commons, Our Selves)
35. PenGwen
36. The World Wise Woman Magazine

37. [Need to poll ActionChix for more suggestions on title]

1.  "A technology magazine created by the LinuxChix community."
2.  "A Linux Chix (tm) publication"
3.  "An all-genders welcome emagazine"
4.  "By Chix, for all"
5.  "By Linux Women for the Tech World"
6.  "Chix do open source* Opening doors for women in technology."
7.  "Empowering women in technology"
8.  "Gender is irrelevant when you're behind a keyboard"
9.  "Of Linux users across globe, by Linuxchix, for all "
10. "The magazine for the IT women community."
11. "The open-tech mag for world-wise women."
12. "Your resource for syncing with Linux and the FOSS community"

13. [Need to poll ActionChix for more suggestions on motto]



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