[Actionchix] Discuss - ChixBits regular columns

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 22:56:26 UTC 2007

Also would like to suggest the following:

- Coolest Linux art of the month - share art/themes
- Fix it yourself - short how to on Linux utilities
- What I learned this month - share experiences / scenarios of things broken
and how it got fixed
- Look before you upgrade - share experiences on upgrades to bleeding edge
OS / software upgrades
- Braindumps - Neat tips/ short tricks in Linux/ programming languages (
Perl, OS)
- I wish I had this feature - get talking about what you want to see in
Linux distros


> >
> >My own personal ideas (I can't think of any cool titles, so I'll just
> >put descriptions):
> >
> >- A column that covers and lists women-tech events
> >- Open Source project of the month
> >- Monthly feature on popular applications that you maybe not know use
> >open source software
> >- Popular Media: A column reviewing open source music, videos, etc.
> >- New Linux-based gadgets to watch out for
> >- Linux advice column (where users submit their questions, the
> >columnist
> >answers them)
> >

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