[Actionchix] Lat chance - please *VOTE* - ChixBits regular columns - closes Nov.30th
Beth Skwarecki
beth-linuxchix at loxosceles.org
Thu Nov 29 20:21:57 UTC 2007
> >1) How many regular columns should ChixBits have? [CHOOSE ONE]
> >
> >A) 3
> >B) 4
> >C) 5
> >D) 6
> >E) Other (specify)
E, Other:
3-5 regular columns would be great.
But we could also have a larger, variable number of columns that might be
written by a different person each time (more like a "department", maybe).
For example, a programming column might be written by a ruby programmer in
one issue and a java programmer in the next, but it's still the same column
with the same sort of focus.
The variable columns would also be a good place for new authors to jump in -
instead of coming up with a totally new idea for an article, they could look
at our list of semi-regular columns/departments and decide to write a piece
that fits into one of those topics. Perhaps the runners-up in voting could
become semi-regulars?
> >2) Which columns should they be? [CHOOSE AS MANY AS YOU VOTED IN
> >QUESTION #1] - Also specify if you are volunteering for writing the
> >column on a regular basis.
These are all great topics - even the ones that don't make the cut as
columns would make great topics for articles.
Here are some I would like to see frequently:
> >- A column that covers and lists women-tech events.
(I'd like this column to include events chix would be interested in,
including but not limited to women-centric ones)
> >- A column answering newbie questions (either an advice column, or
> >FAQ-style for common/expected questions).
> >- Toot your Horn
> >- Popular Media: A column reviewing open source music, videos, etc.
> >- the shiniest gadgets
(especially gadgets that are linux-based or use free software!)
I'll volunteer to write the newbie column, or if that's already taken, I
could write the horn-tootin' column by collecting toots from chix who are
willing to share them.
> >3) Regular columns will be published whenever-ready,
> >non-regular columns
> >will be published quarterly along with the most recent regular columns.
> >
> >A) Yes
> >B) No, I have a better idea, it is (specify)
A) Yes, that sounds fine.
Beth Skwarecki
print map {$x=$!=$_; $x=~s/[b-gik-oq-z]//ig; $x} (66,56,62,113)
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