[Actionchix] State of the new website

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Tue Jun 27 02:01:52 UTC 2006

On 26-Jun-06, at 9:36 PM, jennyw wrote:
> Mary Gardiner wrote:
>> I'd actually prefer them all to be moved to HTML, it means that we're
>> not relying on the archive links being constant (every so often Dancer
>> and Terri want to rebuild them for various reasons and I scream about
>> the courses URLs changing). But for my own courses I never had the 
>> time.
> It's not an answer, but we could (and maybe should) address changing
> URLs with rewrite rules.

Sadly, this won't work with the archive-rebuilding problem Mary 
mentioned, as the URIs change in non-predictable ways.  eg:


could suddenly become


and there's no way to predict one number from the other, or force the 
archiver to use the same number if we do have to do a full rebuild for 
some reason.

I sidestepped this problem the last time I edited the archives by 
editing the html and mbox files seperately, so it's easy enough to get 
around on a small scale and would only be a problem if we had to do 
something big (and we haven't in years now)... that's why some of the 
courses are links.  But if we're trying to harmonize things, my vote 
goes with HTML just in case.


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