[Actionchix] Re: Translating a Plone site

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Thu Jul 6 08:02:13 UTC 2006

To Actionchix and i18n-mentor:

I have heard back from the Plone i18n people:

On 06/07/2006, at 1:15 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

> If I understand you correctly, you want to translate the content of  
> your
> site. For this use-case we have a product called LinguaPlone [1],  
> which
> enables you to translate the content of your site via the normal Plone
> UI. For translating content like documents with included images the
> Gettext standard isn't practical, but there is some support for
> exporting your content in the XLIFF format which is what professional
> translation tools used by translation agencies usually use.

If we do need to export files at any stage, XLIFF is fine. Even if  
people don't have an editor that can handle it, we have filters which  
convert it to other common translation formats. XLIFF _is_ the  
standard, and free-software i18n is already gradually moving towards it.
> But in your case I would try to use the simple LinguaPlone UI which
> gives you a split-screen view on your original content and the
> translation, which should make it quite easy to translate even for
> people not knowing about any special standards and not requiring any
> special tools.

The interface sounds fine for our needs. As soon as the original  
material for the Linuxchix site is up and running, not undergoing  
major modification, I would like to try using LinguaPlone, and see  
how it works, investigate the options for our translators. I hope  
I'll be able to set it up for our translators so all you need to do  
is login and translate!

For the Linuxchix web admins, the LinguaPlone module and its backup  
information are available from this page [1]. I hope it will be  
straightforward to install. It has evidently been used and tested  
with several versions of Plone. Please install it when you have time.

I would be happy to liaise with Hanno regarding LinguaPlone, if  

It certainly looks as though one of the benefits of our chosen CMS is  
an add-on user-friendly content-translation interface. ;)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

[1] http://plone.org/products/linguaplone

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