[Techtalk] CVS question

Kathryn Andersen kat_lists at katspace.homelinux.org
Fri Nov 25 17:06:25 EST 2005

On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 04:06:22PM +1100, Mary wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2005, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> > I've only been merely a user of CVS before, not administering anything.
> > I wasn't the person who set up the pserver setup.
> Have a look through this section of the online CVS book:
> http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html#The%20Password-Authenticating%20Server
> It's about setting pserver up, but it gives the user format. Essentially
> I guess the idea would be to remove the general user from the pserver
> list of users.

Thanks!  I am more enlightened now.

I think I'm going to have to do a general ask-around at work to find out
if the "general" user is still needed at all, because at the moment,
since it is a user on the server machine, and the pserver setup checks
/etc/passwd by default, there's nothing stopping the "general" user from
having CVS access to all the projects on the server... and it may be
that for some projects that is needed, but I don't know yet.  It might
just be hanging around "for historical reasons"...

Kathryn Andersen
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