[Techtalk] Character sets and windows (version 98)

Rudy L. Zijlstra rudy at edsons.demon.nl
Sun Jun 20 19:37:18 EST 2004

Hi list,

friend of mine is still running Win98. Converting him to Linux is not 
(yet?) possible. Not because of his needs, but because he is now used to 
the tools he has, is not a computer man, and re-learning something 
different is simply not in line. Also it would make interaction with 
collegues difficult for him.

He is learning some polish, and asked whether it would be possible to 
have the polish alfabeth usable on his computer.

Polish is part of the iso 8859-2 set, so the question becomes: how to 
teach Win98 that char set, or at least his (old) version of word.

Any ideas?



P.S. Telsa, expect some more experimentation with your telly. I've 
noticed Alan to have a new toy.... (PVR-350).

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