[Techtalk] iPod with Linux

Kathryn Hogg kjh at flyballdogs.com
Mon Jun 14 15:08:48 EST 2004

> Any recommendations?  I don't seem to have anything suitable on my
> Fedora Core 1 system at the moment.

Point your up2date or yum to freshrpms.net and grab grip, lame, xmms, etc
from there,   (Same for FC2 users)

For up2date on fc1, add the following to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources
yum freshrpms http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms

on fc2 I'm using yum and add the following to /etc/yum.conf
name=Fedora Linux $releasever - $basearch - freshrpms


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