[Techtalk] Could someone help me with a technical report

Kristen Grubb grubbysluggo at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 19 05:22:54 EST 2003

Thanks Dan, 

Like I said earlier, I am new at this. I need all the
help I can get!  I am going to get a good business
book and start from the beginning.  Maybe that will
help me.  I am afraid I may have gotten in over my

Thanks for your help,
--- Dan Richter <daniel.richter at wimba.com> wrote:
> >My thought is that I would only have to
> >train the staff once but the Windows upgrades are
> an
> >expense accrued every three years.
> Maybe, but businesses don't think about money the
> same way individuals do. 
> A business uses money to make more money, so an
> expense delayed is an 
> expense reduced. Imagine how your perspective would
> change if your bank 
> gave you 20% interest per year.
> ========== Dan Richter ==============
> mailto:Dan at wimba.com ===========
>     Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you
> say to them they
>     translate into their own language and from then
> on it is
>     something entirely different.
>          - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, "Maximen und
> Reflexionen"
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