[Techtalk] report on shiny new Thinkpad, or, Windows sux worse than ever

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Sat Jul 12 08:39:59 EST 2003

Thanks everyone- I foiled the evil recovery CD after all, ha! Ha! The first 
time I created a Windows partition I left the rest as free space. When the 
recovery CD ate the whole drive, I re-partitioned the drive again, again 
using QTParted in Knoppix, and this time created both an NTFS and an ext3 
partition. Ha! That fixed the sucker. Now I have windows relegated to a 
7-gigabyte ghetto, and Libranet gets the rest. QTParted incorporates the 
Linux ntfs tools, http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/, so it can resize, and 
write ntfs partitions. What a lovely utility. 

Take that, evil OEM install. Linux geeken shall prevail.

Carla Schroder
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