[Techtalk] DSL modem

Malcolm-Rannirl rannirl-lc at otherkin.net
Mon Sep 16 11:42:16 EST 2002

On Monday 16 September 2002 01:21 am, Glen Strom wrote:

> > I am not happy with the performance of the Fujitsu modem that came
> > with my Verizon DSL account. I lose connectivity on a regular basis,
> > 3-4 times per week. Unplugging/ plugging in the modem restores it.

> I'm using an Alcatel Speed Touch. No problems with it, and I've yet to
> hear anyone else complain about it.

Mine drops out randomly (anything from a couple of times a day, to every 
couple of months). Apparently it's not completely dead but will respond to 
about one packet in 500. Whether this is due to the line (also Verizon DSL) 
or the modem no one has been able to find out. Power cycling it always seems 
to fix the problem (which might just mean that verizon's dropped the 
connection and doesn't notice to restart it from their end).

Oddly it seems to happen much more frequently if my desktop machine is on as 
well as the server.

The line is through a third party ISP, so it's not due to the painful mess 
that is PPPoE.

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