[Techtalk] More on VNC

Davis, Jennifer JDavis at JUSTICE.GC.CA
Tue Jul 16 13:15:03 EST 2002

This is starting to become an obsession.  I should be worried.  I have
managed to get VNC working over the internet.  The manual is a bit
confusing.  For example, to get VNC working on port 6667, traditionally an
IRC port, I would start the server with vncserver :767 and run the client as

For getting in at work, the ports above 1024 are blocked, for good reason, I
guess.  For some reason, I can't get the server to run at anything below
5900.  If I run vncserver:-5877 (to use the FTP port, I get an error).

root at soleil:/home/jsd# vncserver :-5877

usage: vncserver [:<number>] [-name <desktop-name>] [-depth <depth>]
                 [-geometry <width>x<height>]
                 [-pixelformat rgbNNN|bgrNNN]

       vncserver -kill <X-display>

root at soleil:/home/jsd#

I am running this as root.  I know I can't run below 1024 as a user.  If I
try to run vncserver:23, then it runs as it was on port 5923.  Have I hit an

> Jennifer Davis
> Constitutional & Administrative Law - Droit administratif &
> constitutionnel
> Department of Justice Canada - Ministère de la Justice du Canada
> *(613) 957-4963 - fx (613) 941-1937
> *jdavis at justice.gc.ca

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