[techtalk] A good intro textbook for Linux

Beverly Guillermo mezanin at home.com
Sat Feb 26 15:49:19 EST 2000

In my experience here, as long as you have interest, a lot of people are
willing to help you learn more advanced topics by giving you a job. ;)  As
long as you know the basics, finding a job somewhere as a network admin
"assistant" isn't too hard and then it's not too long to get a
real administative job.


On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Kendra Engstrom wrote:

> I just finished reading Linux Network Administrator's Guide by O'Reilly.
> Great book.  The first part of the book was explaining things I already
> knew, but once I hit the end, it went into setting up Sendmail + IDA, NNTP,
> Netnews etc.  Someday hope to be a Network Admin, but since I've only hit 20
> and don't have much work experience, it's hard to get out there :/
> Kendra
> -Slackware lover till the end :c)

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