[techtalk] Firewall, kppp, dynamic ip, script? -- Help please.

Gail Allinson gailla at jps.net
Thu Sep 30 16:58:24 EST 1999

> I did an altavista search for kppp, and came up with some random page
> about configuring kppp.. do you have buttons somewhere that say:
> Execute program upon connect
> Execute program before disconnect

Yes, I have places to enter those, and I tried them.  From reading the docs,
kppp has a two level system for security since users have to run it with
suid set.

I guessing those are invoked after the suid is dropped. I tried that first
off and no firewall.  I know that the firewall has to have root privileges
so that's my guess as to why that doesn't work.  Put "netscape" in that
blank and that works just fine.

Now where are those billions of German SuSE users? -- I know that someone
has got this working, somewhere <g>.

I may try wvdial since that is SuSE's preferred dialler.  There are still a
lot of possibilities.

It was so nice of you to do that extra research. Thanks again,


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