[techtalk] Duh. Slight self-correction

Emily Cartier cartieel at flyernet.udayton.edu
Fri Oct 15 23:29:15 EST 1999

At 04:36 PM 10/15/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I actually proof-read this before sending. Now I get it back I
>see this: 
>> Netscape's code for Navigator and Communicator was proprietary.
>> In 1988 they made lots of the code for Navigator 4.0 openly available. 
>That would be 1998, of course, since the web wasn't around in
>1988. Now I'm wondering if it was 98 or 97. 

I think it was last year, thus 98. www.mozilla.org ought to have a history
page somewhere that would say when they opened their doors. <brief bang
forehead on desk moment, then brief zoom 'round tuxedo.org moment> Here it
is: http://www.opensource.org/history.html. Jan 22, 1998.


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