[techtalk] mozilla (was:Netscape and Java)

Jack Baker griffin2020 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 15 14:21:49 EST 1999

It is different from Netscape in that it is the first browser to develop an 
all new engine (Gecko).  It is also open source.  Mozilla is the name of the 
organization that Netscape started to develop open source software, and they 
have quite a list of items under development (they all look to be related to 
the browser)

Check out this link.
I checked mozzilla.org, and could not find reference to Gecko.  Of course my 
check was only cursory....it looks as if they have settled on the name 
Mozilla M10 for the current version (still under development).  If I am 
wrong in this, pleases correct me....

Could you explain what this is? How is it different to Netscape?
I though Mozilla was just the name given to their source code.

- Kev

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