[prog] more CGI programming

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Fri May 23 13:18:16 EST 2003

Thanks for your information on CGI programming. I'm slowly wading through it.

Can anyone send me a CGI program that you wrote in Perl? I'm mainly looking 
for something that uses standard Perl functions/classes to do CGI data 
parcing. Small size is perferable but not required (though if it's more 
than about a megabyte you should send me a URL rather than e-mailing it to me).

Of course, you should send the program as an attachment to me, not to the list.

Thanks in advance!

========== Dan Richter ============== mailto:Dan at wimba.com ===========
  [Larry] Wall [inventor of Perl] believes that people think about
  things in different ways, that natural languages accommodate many
  mindsets, and that programming languages should too.
    - Jon Udell, in his essay, "A Perl Hacker in the Land of Python"

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