[IndiChix] [OT] Protest Against Regressive Statements On Women

Vikram Vincent vincentvikram at swatantra.org
Sun Feb 17 06:55:35 UTC 2008

Aneesh Mulye wrote:
> On 16/02/2008, *Mani A* <a.mani.cms at gmail.com 
> <mailto:a.mani.cms at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     A couple of MCP <snip> have uttered a few words.
Criticism must always be dignified and especially when it comes to such 
>     http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/indiawomen2008/index.html
> At this point, I must ask:
> What, precisely, does this have to do with the stated goal of this 
> organisation and mailing list?
The topic does mention OT which means that it may not be related to "the 
stated goals of this organisation and mailing list".
> I apologise if I have misunderstood the culture of the list - I am 
> rather new here, and do not know how off-topic a discussion must be 
> before it is considered "out" - but I do feel compelled to point out 
> that this does not seem to bear much relevance to the topic of the 
> list in general.
The issue had acquired prominence in the media a little while ago and it 
is gender related and also exposes a sort of retrograde and sick mindset 
of our society which at times also creaps into the online and free 
software community. That is all, I suppose.

Vikram Vincent
+91 9448810822

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