[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 7: Assumptions Make....]

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Mon May 28 19:17:54 UTC 2007

On Monday 28 May 2007 11:28, Gloria W wrote:
>. Now that I've hit 40, I feel as if
> I am losing patience with age, and I don't have the time or energy for
> stupid people, no matter how many cross my path. I just ignore them, or
> like pesky  flies, I swat them away.

LOL! What a great image. It resonated with me, anyway. :)

> This attitude I have has served to drastically narrow my friends and
> acquaintances down to a handful, and I'm actually happy about that.

I'm rather like that, too. I'm not comfortable with Instant Friendships, not 
interested in being friends with every person I meet, and it takes time for 
me to decide if I really want to invest in a friendship with a particular 
person. Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out by being so fussy.

Terry, my awesome SO, is the opposite. A classic extrovert who is gifted at 
getting along with people, and still maintaining her boundaries. Sometimes I 
think I should be more like that. Then I go back to my old cranky ways, and 
it seems to work. After all, isn't the point of this course to figure out 
what's right for us as individuals? :)

> I have stopped caring what anyone
> assumes about me. They get most of it wrong, they eventually find out
> they are wrong, and I genuinely don't care about any part of that process.

I've figured out that I do care. I'm not interested in getting into big 
debates all the time, but I am working at being more assertive at correcting 
the dumb assumptions that bother me.

Carla Schroder
Linux geek and random computer tamer
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