[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 5: The Hardest Nos]

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Fri May 4 05:49:18 UTC 2007

On 5/4/07, Tracey C <grrliegeek at elenari.net> wrote:
> There's an exercise I found
[... snip useful stuff ...]
> waste too much time beating myself up, however. I had used all my faculties
> to rationally look at the situation, considering needs and alternatives. I
> trust in the decisions I have made. I let the sadness pass and get on with
> life.

I have been practicing all that you said (except the writing part)
since my teens and "it works". I dont find it difficult to make tough
decisions and stick by it (even if  criticised), rather I have taken
it a circle further to encourage many people (family and friends) to
be more stronger emotionally. It brings a smile to my face when we
share the positive outcomes. The secret is to letgo of the sadness (or
any other emotion), remember that will pass with time. I believe there
is no right or wrong decision, its what is suitable to you, as an
individual. If it works ...great, or else you try again :)

> If it turns out that the list of negatives outweighs the positives, I will
> strongly consider distancing myself from that person. If there is enough

.... usually that person will want back in, while you have moved on.


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