[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 5: The Hardest Nos]

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Mon Apr 30 16:14:16 UTC 2007

On 29-Apr-07, at 8:21 PM, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Because I work at home I've had a lot of practice at being the broken
> record- "No, I cannot do that now because I AM WORKING." It seems  
> that a lot
> of people have jobs that give them abundant free time to take care of
> personal business, so they assume that everyone's a slacker. Well I  
> don't.

I've had this problem with working at home too.  The worst being a  
case when a friend showed up 3 hours early for a party at my place.   
What made it even more annoying is that I'd specifically said in the  
party invite that I was inviting people over later than usual because  
I had errands to run in the morning and I would want to work late to  
compensate.  I was Not Impressed when he turned up before I was done  
working or had time for dinner, and I sent him away.

Everyone else I know has always phoned in advance if they're going to  
be early to check and see if that's ok (sometimes it is, sometimes it  
isn't), and he hasn't done it since.


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