[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 3: 101 Satisfying Retorts For All Occassion]

Jacinta Richardson jarich at perltraining.com.au
Mon Apr 16 00:39:31 UTC 2007

Carla Schroder wrote:
> I'm bailing out of town for the weekend and don't have time to write an 
> ordinary lesson, so how about everyone share their favorite comebacks and 
> responses for those uncomfortable, annoying, enraging, and so forth 
> occasions? Have fun and I'll see you Monday!

My favourites:

	"Grow up!"            (single person)
	"Now, now, children"  (group)
	"I don't need your permission/approval to..."

They're so versatile, and most of the time the people I'm speaking to end up 
feeling foolish rather than hurt or angry.  I usually have to add something to 
the end of course, but that's situation dependant:

	"I don't need your permission to excel".
	"Grow up.  You've had years to learn the world doesn't revolve around
	"Now, now children; try to act like the adults you might one day be"

Sometimes these backfire and the situation gets worse.  But usually I've made my 
point by then, so I'm happy to walk away.

Most of the time, I don't actually say anything.  I try to focus my actions on 
goal-oriented behaviour.  This means thinking - at least briefly - about how any 
interaction I might partake in will further my goals.  No matter how much the 
other person's behaviour might suck, if it's more useful for me to stay on good 
terms with them than to indulge my urges and give them a verbal boot up the 
arse, then I'll grit my teeth and walk away.  (To an extent of course, as there 
are often things you can still safely say..)

On the other hand, if they're relative strangers, or people I don't need to be 
on good terms with, then I'm more than happy to tell them what I think of their 

All the best,


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