[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Jacinta Richardson jarich at perltraining.com.au
Fri Apr 6 08:29:48 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I've been avoiding this one because I didn't know what to write.  Recently I've 
felt in absolute awe at how cool my life is, and so it kind of feels wrong to be 
wishing for more.  But there are things I still want, some big, some small:

	* I want to redo my house.  Renovate the kitchen, re-tile, pull down the
	  wall paper in the lounge room, have a nice garden...

		None of this is hard, and I have the free time and money
		to achieve it but I haven't found the motivation to get started.

	* I want to lose about 30 kgs and increase my fitness.

		I'm actively working on this, and although it's slow, I'm
		getting somewhere....

	* I want to achieve my Stress and Rescue, and Deep diver qualifications
	  for SCUBA.

		I expect to have at least one of these done by October.

	* I want to increase my reputation in the FOSS community as a coder
	  which means actually joining some projects.

		I've made a small start here and expect to keep on.

	* I want to learn how to make candy like chocolate, licorice etc

	* I want to travel overseas, preferably to a conference, but also just
	  just to travel.

In the much longer distance future I'd like to have a greater involvement in
	* reducing or removing this gender bias from IT

	* increasing Australia's sustainability from a food and water

All the best,


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