[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Julie Bovee Hill joulie at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 01:28:28 UTC 2007

On 3/30/07, Carla wrote:
> What do you want?
> If you want, share some of your dreams with the list. It might help other
> people de-rust and start some ideas flowing. But it's not required. The idea
> is to practice being 100% honest with yourself, and opening up those clogged
> dream-pipes.

I started keeping a dreams list (I called it a my Goals list) about 12
years ago. My life seemed somewhat dead-ended and I'd read in a
self-help book that it was a good thing to do. I typed it up in a
fancy font, put a pretty background photo behind it, printed it out,
stuck it inside of a fancy gold frame and hung it up where I'd see it
every day, and it helped me tremendously.

My goals were roughly for a 5-year time frame and they were big, huge
goals that seemed somewhat insurmountable when I wrote them up, but I
did it anyway and in the end, I did achieve most of those goals within
about 5 years. I was quite surprised about that. I think that seeing
them on the wall every day kept me focused on the end-result. I highly
recommend creating this list.

Now that I'm thinking about it again, I see my list is in terrible
disrepair, so I'll de-rust it and hang it back up again this week.

Thanks for the kick, Carla!


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