[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Anna Loosen anna at musoftware.de
Sun Apr 1 21:36:54 UTC 2007

Hi Chix,

thank you for telling your thoughts.

It's great to see that I'm not the only one who has to figure out her life at
the moment :)

And my plans for the next time...

- Not being so shy talking with guys about computers
- Getting my Mail/Name/Webserver done
- Get motivated with my studies (It's not really boring, it's just... pff)
- Go to a conference and really participate instead of just sitting around
- Doing some really good partys :)
- Ignore the voice that tells me to finish one thing before starting sth new
- Try to do things i'm really interested in
- Find sth really interesting to program (maybe some network stuff)
- Contribute in an open source project
- Let my hair grow longer (and not dye it in funny colors any more ;)

Have fun :)

Anna Loosen                                          anna at musoftware.de

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