[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Amanda Angell amandaangell at spin.net.au
Sun Apr 1 07:47:46 UTC 2007

As Laylaa said, I also wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I've been 
wandering around aimlessly for over 5 years since I left school, with 
absolutely no direction. I think not knowing what I want has become an easy 
excuse as to why I don't start something.

I recommend to Laylaa to take a cookery course - I did, and even though I 
didn't make a career of it, it was really one of the better things I've done 
with my past. Great fun, and you'll use the knowledge (at least, some of it) 
for the rest of your life.

I have an interest in just about anything, but that's as far as it ever goes. 
I never get involved in anything too much. Perhaps it's psychological. :) 
There has been so many "dreams" of mine in the past, but I've never done 
anything about them.

One day I'll have a home, with my husband (marriage is harder than I thought 
it would be so far, and it's not yet been 2 years). We'll have one or two 
children. We'll both be successful and more confident in ourselves and our 
abilities. We'll have pets and chickens (chooks) in the backyard, and no 
noisy neighbours to upset us. :) It'll be our piece of heaven we come home 
to, if we don't already work from there.

I've travelled some of Australia (where I live) but it wasn't as great as I 
thought it would be. Some bits were fantastic, for sure, though. My health 
wasn't great then either, but now things are better with the the 
hypoallergenic diet (if you want to know, just ask) keeping me very well 
lately. I would love to travel overseas when I have the money to do it more 
comfortably, and learn another language while living and working there for a 

I want to do something that will help people, that will change things. I want 
to do something I am needed for, and recognised for, and paid comfortably 
for. :) I think I'm asking too much. But I've always felt that if I knew what 
I wanted, then nothing could stop me. But I'm wondering if it's simply a case 
of just choosing *something* rather than finding *exactly* what it is I want.

Late last year I chose Journalism. I started a correspondence course for it. I 
am into the 2nd assignment, and it's not what I was hoping for and I can't 
find the enthusiasm to continue. (Which is totally unlike me, because I 
always finish a course, even if it's not for me. Eg: Commercial cookery, 
retail operations, natural resource management...) So, just choosing 
*something* didn't work.

About shoes - we have the technology. We can scan a persons foot, and surely 
make a pair of shoes perfect for that individual person! Why isn't this 
happening yet??? hehe.. I hate shoe shopping!

I'm hoping that I'll find the inspiration I need soon. In the meantime I'm 
earning money and supporting my husband who is a full-time student. I'm very 
proud of him for taking the leap into full-time study, and I know that he'll 
support me in whatever I choose, when my time comes.


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