[Courses][gimp] Lesson 10: Stitching Panoramic Images

Patricia Peck patpeck at znet.com
Mon May 9 07:22:49 EST 2005

Julie Sloan wrote:
>  I've been putting it off because the thought of 
> lining all those layers up is really intimidating me.  Plus the pictures I 
> didn't get on disk I still have to scan (I used my 35mm instead of the 
> digital) and in order to use my scanner I have to pop over into that other 
> 0$.  Excuses, excuses.  

Aha!  Another scaredy cat!  :-)  I was sure I wasn't the only one.  I'm 
also sure there are others out there.  And in fact, your excuses are 
pretty good.  Better than mine.  I just don't seem to get around to it, 
and then when I do, I skip that "zoom in" part that turns out to be 
pretty darned important.  Oh, well, one of these days, I'll do it again, 
I will, I will.  :-)

I like your idea of the tree leafing out.  Very intriguing!  Offhand, 
I'd think from side to side - from bare(ish) to leafy.  But inside out 
is pretty intriguing, though it might be harder to do.  Also offhand, 
and not having seen the photos, or the tree for that matter, I'd think 
matching wouldn't be so important, except to have the trunk and major 
branches in the same place in each shot.  For the leaf part, you'd have 
to sort of dissolve, wouldn't you?

And thinking of dissolving from one image to another - do we know how to 
do that?  Maybe do overlapping gradients, one coming in and one going 
out?  Hmmm... must ask Akkana if that would work, and how.

I'm really getting into this idea, but don't have a tree to use, and 
it's too late now, anyway, so it's all UP TO YOU.  But no pressure.  :-)



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