[Courses][gimp] Lesson 2: Lightening, Darkening, Sharpening

Julie Sloan juliesloan at mindspring.com
Mon Feb 7 16:06:57 EST 2005

On Friday 04 February 2005 12:29 pm, Akkana Peck wrote:
> image window menu (remember, right-click to see the menus) under
> Image->Colors.  Since we'll be choosing several different options
> under the Colors menu, let's take advantage of a helpful feature
> in Gimp's menus: "tear-offs". 

Wow!  That's a nice feature.

Here is my homework:

I went quite crazy in the color menu for quite a long time.  ...at one point 
in the Curves menu I had the graph looking like a heart monitor gone bad 
and some pretty wacky color combinations.  Then I settled down.  ;-)

I found Unsharp Mask to be a lot more effective than Sharpen, but a preview 
pane sure would be nice.  Thanks Mary for pointing out the Duplicate 
feature.  I'm using Gimp 1.2.5 and it's in the same place:  Image > 

I'm not sure which of the three images I am calling "final" is best... none 
are very good  :)  but what I had to begin with was pretty bad!  At least 
now you can tell it's a sewing machine.  Sort of.

I am not very good at this.  :/



> Here's my warbler, brightened up by fiddling with the Curves tool
> (only one point on the curve):
> http://shallowsky.com/images/gimpcourse/lesson2/warbler-brighter.jpg

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