[Courses] From jonny worsley: Invitation and new email address

ravenjonny at hotmail.com ravenjonny at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 5 10:18:57 EST 2004

 A Friendly Invitation
Hey courses at linuxchix.org,  

jonny worsley has invited you to sign up, so that you can send FREE SMS
(text messages) to each other:


Click here
8fuq83or7rmniw2tge>  to accept your invitation now. 


 	 New mobile email address for jonny: PheonixFlames at sms.ac

* Please note this for your records. This new email address is effective

By sending emails to PheonixFlames at sms.ac, your friend will receive your
emails on his/her mobile phone.   You will get your own FREE spam-free
mobile email address too when you accept your invitation
8fuq83or7rmniw2tge> .	 
Your friend is waiting to hear from you. Have fun at the world's most
popular mobile community  -  SMS.ac!	 

- jonny worsley, and your friends at SMS.ac 
 	 SMS.ac is a spam-free company. This invitation was sent to you
by jonny worsley, who thought you would like to recieve free mobile
phone text messages (SMS) using SMS.ac.  	

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