[Courses] [C] Yes, we're still here!

Michelle Murrain tech at murrain.net
Tue Mar 5 14:47:26 EST 2002

For those of you in the C course - we're still on this list, and I hope 
still going strong. This friday, March 8th, is theoretically the deadline 
for the next 3 chapters (7,8 and 9). How are folks doing? I know I'm pretty 
far behind, but I'm working on catching up!

I'll post some reflections I've had about C on the list later in the week. 
I'd like others who are still plugging, to chime in.


Michelle Murrain
tech at murrain.net
AIM/Yahoo Messenger:pearlbear0
http://www.murrain.net/ for pgp public key

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