[Courses] [Security] Class formats and contents

sal at dancinman.com sal at dancinman.com
Mon Mar 4 22:36:58 EST 2002

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Raven, corporate courtesan wrote:
> 	As far as format goes, I can see a couple different options.
> Guided discussion (my favorite), free-for-all discussion, or following a
> book.  Does anyone have preferences?  
> 	If we go for guided discussion, I think a good place to start
> would be networked services, why you want to limit them, and how to turn
> off ones you're not using.  Perhaps firewalls after that?  Let me know
> how you think that sounds.

This sounds good to me.  


Sal Robertson			|	Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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