[Courses] [Security] Class formats and contents

Megan Golding meggolding at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 4 12:20:17 EST 2002

> Could the people who are here for the security
> class give me an idea of how you'd like to 
> see the class structured, and how much
> experience you've had with this sort of thing?

I have a high-level knowledge of ipchains 
firewalls and snort IDS. I happen to work
at a security company and these are the
technologies we use. When I say high-level, 
I mean I could describe to the layperson 
how these things work and why you might 
want them.

I'm here to learn about how others think of 
security. How does a sys admin think about 
securing a brand new box or network, for

> If we go for guided discussion, I think a good
> place to start would be networked services, 
> why you want to limit them, and how to turn
> off ones you're not using.  


Here are some things I would be interested in:

* What's an efficient way to stay on top
  of patches for vulnerable applications?
  (Bugraq, project mail lists?)

* Are there any services/applications that
  are so riddled with security holes, I 
  should totally avoid them?

* If I were to build an Internet gateway
  box from the ground up, what would I want
  to put on it?
  (NAT?, firewall, ids, etc?)

* How can I tell if my Linux box has been


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