[Announce]Yet Another Perl Conference: Canada

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Mon Mar 17 20:53:00 EST 2003

YAPC::Canada - May 15 and 16, 2003 in Ottawa - http://www.yapc.ca/

YAPC::Canada (Yet Another Perl Conference) is a low-cost  1 1/2 day
conference with its roots in the Perl Mongers groups. YAPC::Canada features
two speaker streams and an optional day of pre-conference training.

The Ottawa Tulip Festival ( http://tulipfestival.ca/ ) will be in full swing
at this time. Great for spouses while you're at YAPC::Canada!

Accomodations will are available at Carleton University residences.

Pre-register at http://www.yapc.ca/ with no obligation and tell us:
    - courses that interest you
    - you would like to sponsor us
    - you would like to present
    - any special needs
    - your ideas

Location: Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

Cost: CAD 75.00 (roughly USD 48.75)
      CAD 45.00 for students
      Includes: dinner on Thursday & Friday, BBQ on Friday and CD-ROM of 
      documents submitted by speakers; Vegetarian menu is available.  

Keynote: TBA

Times: Thursday May 15, 2003 - 1:00pm to 5:30pm
       Friday May 16, 2003 - 9:00am to 5:30pm

Training: Professional Training 
          Topic TBA
          Wednesday May 14, 2003 - all day - $TBA
          Given by Peter Scott at ExitCertified - 85 Albert St., Suite 1200
          Training is optional; Any fees are arranged with presenter

          Free tutorials
          Survival Perl 
             - Introduction to enough Perl for people who need it from time
               to time
          Tuesday May 13, 2003 - 6:30 to 8:30pm - FREE!
          Given by Jay Lawrence at ExitCertified - 85 Albert St., Suite 1200     


There will be two speaker streams with roughly 12 presentions in total.
Topics will be for a variety of skill levels from introductory to advanced.
Generally there is a mixture of HOW-TO tutorials and presentations on
implementation. The conference will be of interest to the programmer who
just works with Perl from time-to-time through to the Perl guru!

Don't forget there's a lot of networking and discussion that goes on outside
of presentations.

If you encounter any problems with the site or would like to contact us
directly then please write to help at yapc.ca .

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