[Announce]Sunday Portland Linuxchix meeting and agenda

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Thu Oct 10 13:49:53 EST 2002

You are cordially invited to the next Portland Linuxchix meeting, Sunday, 
October 13 and Sunday, November 10, 2002, 3pm-5pm. Meetings are at the 
Beaverton Public Library,  
http://www.ci.beaverton.or.us/departments/library/. They have private meeting 
rooms, thanks to Patricia Gaughen for making the reservations.


-website content and hosting
-O'Reilly UG support
-Girl scouts
-how much participation, if any, will men have in our nice lil chapter

Come on down!

**** Please sign up for the official Portland Linuxchix mail list to stay 
informed: http://www.lnxgrrl.com/mailman/listinfo/pdxchix  don't be afraid, 
it's a low-volume list!

Thank you to Hanna Linder for setting up the mail list, and thank you to Sarah 
Huffman for setting up & maintaining our chapter page, 
http://www.linuxchix.org/content/chapters/portlandor.html ****
Carla Schroder
Bratgrrl Computing
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